How do you know if hiring a Health Coach is the right fit for you?
You are ready if:
Hiring a Health Coach may not be the right for you if:
You are ready if:
- You want to understand food and nutrition in a whole new way.
- You are so over "diets" and "quick fixes".
- You are ready to stop making excuses.
- You are ready to dig deep and get a little vulnerable.
- You feel ready to make a commitment.
- You have a deep desire to feel empowered by your own health and wellness.
- You are ready to be open, take in new information and do the work.
Hiring a Health Coach may not be the right for you if:
- You're not good at thinking for yourself and you'd rather just be told what to do.
- You don't trust yourself to "not" make excuses.
- You are not willing to make changes and grow.
- You are just attempting to fit into a suit or dress for a special occasion by the end of the month.
- You are unwilling to shop, cook and prepare your own food.
- You are not ready to face your fears and ask yourself some really important questions.