Early in 2010, my husband decided he needed to make some changes in his diet. I had nothing to lose and was feeling a change might be a good idea, so I eagerly joined him. We decided upon a daily morning smoothie, no meat for 30 days, no alcohol for 30 days, and our first 5K run that upcoming April. At the end of that month, I felt so clear, so light, so bright, so energized... There was no way I was stopping.
Because of the accomplishments of those first few goals, we decided that after 5 years of dating we were finally ready to get married. Our lives were suddenly filled with a future. I felt alive again after several years of spiraling downward. I couldn't believe it! And it had nothing to do with booking a gig, performing on a stage, or nailing an audition. What was happening??
After finishing with the craziness of my small wedding (I don't know how people plan big ones), I quietly made the decision that the world of show biz was no longer something I needed or desired. I didn't really talk about, I just slowly slipped out. With that choice, came more confusion and some sadness, but I dove into my new journey of becoming healthy inside and out. It became my mission.
Fast forward to 2016 - I am healthy (always working on it), I am proud of all my accomplishments, I am more confident, I have more energy, and the list goes on... but when I turned 40 last year, it was a bit of a shock. In my heart, I started having crazy thoughts. I began to notice other 40 year olds that were dancing around me. I thought, "I could never". My husband, being so intuitive, secretly purchased me private studio time so that I could dance on my own, alone, for me.
One year later, on my 41st birthday, I finally had the courage to get my butt in there and give myself a place to start. That's all I needed - a place to start. And although it was an emotional hour, I felt good. I felt good to be just doing it for me. For pretty much the first time ever, I was doing it for me. I think I'll do it again soon.